
Type: Posts; User: Aggro_zombies

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  1. Replies

    Re: [edh] naya dinosaurs!

    For what it's worth I think The Great Henge is significantly better than Lifecrafter's in pretty much every deck. Henge should be easy enough to ramp out too since your creatures will usually have...
  2. Re: [GRN] Guilds of Ravnica & [RNA] Ravnica Allegiance

    I guess my question would be, what problems does adding Opposition and Stasis to Elves solve for that deck? Does it gain you percentage points in your problematic matchups without losing you points...
  3. Re: [GRN] Guilds of Ravnica & [RNA] Ravnica Allegiance

    I don't think this deck ever realistically beats Miracles or SnT.

    The big issue with tribal decks in this format is that they rely on getting a critical amount of stuff on the board in order to...
  4. Replies

    Re: Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker

    Yeah, Summoning is pretty solid. It pushes the deck in a different direction, I think. You can afford to run more high-end haymakers and use Summoning to accelerate them out while giving you board...
  5. Replies

    Re: Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker

    Bump for an updated version of the list I'm running here, now with correct versions of the cards I'm running.

    This list is proving to be a lot of fun to play but has a nasty habit of stalling out...
  6. Re: [GRN] Guilds of Ravnica & [RNA] Ravnica Allegiance

    This set seems like a pretty big bust for Legacy, unfortunately. I'm not sure there are really any cards that break into the format - maybe Light Up the Stage or Skewer the Critics, both in Burn,...
  7. Re: [GRN] Guilds of Ravnica & [RNA] Ravnica Allegiance

    Birthing Pod on a body is actually super fucking sweet for EDH and is a card I've wanted for years for Sidisi, Brood Tyrant. Not playable in this format, though, especially given that actual Pod is...
  8. Re: [GRN] Guilds of Ravnica & [RNA] Ravnica Allegiance

    In this format? The biggest thing holding her back are her colors, not necessarily her effects.

    Though to answer your question: she'd be an admirable sideboard card at two mana. Unlike RIP, she...
  9. Re: [GRN] Guilds of Ravnica & [RNA] Ravnica Allegiance

    How does Absorb blow out aggro on turns 3-6?

    Also, what does the card even do for you? Most of the aggro decks either build board way too quickly for Absorb to matter (Hollow One, Dredge,...
  10. Re: [GRN] Guilds of Ravnica & [RNA] Ravnica Allegiance

    Is it even all that good in Standard? Wizard's Retort, Ionize, and Sinister Sabotage all seem much better than it for various reasons.
  11. Re: [GRN] Guilds of Ravnica & [RNA] Ravnica Allegiance

    There's a couple of problems with this, I think.

    The first is that, realistically, there's very little design space for cards to break into Legacy. The ones that do tend to be:

  12. Re: [GRN] Guilds of Ravnica & [RNA] Ravnica Allegiance

    Simic and Gruul both tend to get those.

    That said, I like it. It's like a more interesting Unleash, which was already an interesting mechanic in Limited, and it overlaps nicely with Simic's...
  13. Replies

    Re: Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker

    Yeah, I'm kind of surprised to see him back too, it wasn't a card I'd thought there would be much of a reason to reprint outside of maybe a precon of some sort.

    I need to pick up a Witch. Blood...
  14. Replies

    Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker

    I've wanted to build a proper Aristocrats deck for a while, and the reprinting of Shirei and the associated drop in foil prices made it seem like an obvious time to put together a new deck.
  15. Replies

    Re: [UMA] Ultimate Masters Edition (?)

    Eh, I think the anger is justified, but also meaningless.

    Masters sets aren't marketed at regular players. No one looks at them and thinks, "Man, if I spent three times as much on a draft of this...
  16. Replies

    Re: MTG Arena

    I've started playing Arena a bit recently since drafting paper doesn't consistently work with my schedule and I hate MTGO.

    Man, this program is...very "in beta".

    I get disconnected at the end...
  17. Replies

    Sidisi, Dredge Tyrant

    I've posted this deck before, but it's been a while so how about a fresh thread?

    Commander: Sidisi, Brood Tyrant

    Dakmor Salvage
    Life from the Loam
    Golgari Thug
    Stinkweed Imp
    Hermit Druid...
  18. Re: [GRN] Guilds of Ravnica & [RNA] Ravnica Allegiance

    I agree with Hanni that this card is somewhat overhyped right now.

    Relative to Abrupt Decay, what does this card profitably trade with? JTMS is the big one, though they will get an activation out...
  19. Replies

    Re: UB(g) Spellseeker Pile

    With fetches and three Wastelands, a single Life from the Loam seems worthwhile, at least in the sideboard.
  20. Replies

    Re: The current state of Magic

    I agree with H that Nexus of Fate had people's nerves raw, since there are legitimate issues with tournament-viable, limited availability cards.

    However, I think in this case a lot of the ire...
  21. Replies

    Re: The current state of Magic

    Eh, I wouldn't go that far. Magic is designed from the ground up to be a physical game. They'd have to strip a lot out of it to get it to the point where it's truly digital-friendly, and then it...
  22. Replies

    Re: The current state of Magic

    There's no reason not to make collectors happy. Many of them are completionists by nature and so will buy basically anything you put in front of them so long as it is unique in some way.

  23. Re: [GRN] Guilds of Ravnica & [RNA] Ravnica Allegiance

    The bigger issue is that red is way better for Dredge than blue in Modern because of the lack of Breakthrough. Insolent Neonate, Faithless Looting, and Cathartic Reunion are all better than this.
  24. Re: [GRN] Guilds of Ravnica & [RNA] Ravnica Allegiance

    Yeah, not a huge fan of NuBorderTM with split cards. The big blank spaces look pretty goofy.

    One thing I noticed from that card specifically: normally, generic split cards follow a naming...
  25. Re: [GRN] Guilds of Ravnica & [RNA] Ravnica Allegiance

    How does that card work with Dredge? I assume since they're both replacement effects, you get to pick which one you want to use?
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